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It will be worth it.

When you say: "It's not worth it."

God says: "It will be worth it."

It's not worth it.

Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to [His] purpose."

This verse reminds me that God's plan is much bigger than my plans and He can use anything for His glory. Life doesn't always make sense on the surface, and sometimes bad things happen that seem unfair or even evil. But if you look closely and allow yourself to trust God's plan for your life, you'll see that everything happens for a reason and will turn out for good in the end!

When we follow God, things don't always go as expected, but it's worth it.

God has a plan for you. Whether your plans are to become an actor or to be an accountant, God will help you get there. It might not happen on your timeline or in the way you expect it to, but if you follow God and trust him with your future, then it won't matter how long it takes because he'll be right beside you through all of the good times and bad times alike.

So what if I haven't seen my best friend since high school? So what if I haven't gotten married yet? These things don't make me any less important than anyone else who is living out their life according to God's will and plan for them! We live in a world where money matters more than faith; where people are more concerned about getting ahead than helping others; where we worry more about our own needs being met rather than seeking out ways we can help those around us who have less access or ability (or time) when it comes down do so themselves."

As Christians, we don't have to worry about what other people think. Our lives should be lived out in such a way that we can point others to Jesus. The important thing is that we follow God's will because it's worth it!

Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

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